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Trend inspirations

When looking for inspiration and identifying trends, most companies follow only their own category. Such an approach assumes, however, that consumers live in silos or bubbles. This is not true as the consumer uses many categories at the same time, and the solutions that suit them in one category are transferred to the other. That is why a broad perspective is so important.

The institute monitors and analyses the so-called factors of change in all key areas: social, technological, economic, environmental, political, and legal.

TrendSignals monthly inspirational reports

In the TrendSignals reports, the institute examines and analyses the performance and communication of brands in a given month. This is a reliable and regular dose of several dozen pages of inspiration.

Each report is devoted to a specific subject matter. We present the identified trends and the most interesting brand activities during such events as CES, Salone del Mobile Milano, Eurobest or Cannes Lions. Each report also includes the ‘Trends in action’ and ‘Social media supplement’ sections dedicated to a selected market category, e.g. FMCG/Retail, Finance, Beauty, Telcom. [MORE]

TrendSignals PHARMA
quarterly inspirational reports

TrendSignals Pharma reports are a quarterly dose of several dozen pages of inspiration sorted into the most important technological, product, and marketing communication trends for the pharmaceutical industry. Each report comprises a dozen or so trends and dozens of inspiring case studies with market evidence for a given trend.

Trend analysis with a dedicated Trend Map

The map presents the most important trends broken down into levels of maturity and the categories to which they belong. The map shows 5 types of trends (technological, economic, environmental, social, and communication). Each trend is additionally placed in a zone that indicates it’s level of maturity (four levels: foresight, innovation, reactive, and new normal). The closer to the centre of the pentagon, the more time the trend needs (according to state of the art and pace of development) to become the leading trend. Trends from different categories also enter into relationships with each other – the closer the trend is to the transverse axis adjacent to another trend category, the more the given trend is associated with the latter category. [DOWNLOAD GENERAL TREND MAP]

Trendhunting trips

Several-day inspirational trips to selected places in cities such as Berlin, Copenhagen or London. The trip is planned by the infuture team based on the current needs of the Partner.

During the trip, participants experience innovative solutions as well as new products and services. We do not retreat into the shell taking into account technological trends only – we look for inspiration in the fields of art, design, academic centres, and small communities of innovators.

Speeches and lectures

A closed inspirational speech in the area of marketing communication, trends, and forecasts concerning the future (e.g. the future of the labour market, the future of media, the future of food, trends in communication with generation Z, etc.) dedicated to a given Partner. An indication of the crucial factors of change, the latest trends, inspiring manifestations, and case studies.


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