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According to William Gibson, ‘the future is here. It’s just not widely distributed yet.’ Therefore, it is worth looking for inspiration in places where it can be seen and experienced today, going beyond one’s existing category, observing trends from a broader perspective – in many areas at the same time.

In our work, we often use several-day customised inspirational trips to selected places, in cities such as Berlin, Copenhagen, London or Singapore. Each trip is planned in detail by the infuture team based on the current needs of the Partner.

Sample topics of previous inspirational trips:

During the trip, participants experience innovative solutions as well as new products and services. We do not retreat into our shell taking into account technological trends only – we look for inspiration in the field of art, design, academic centres, and small communities of innovators.

The majority of the trendhunting activities are conducted individually by Natalia Hatalska who comments on the trends experienced by the group and points out important elements or areas, adding her thoughts. Each participant receives a trendhunter set with a list of additional tasks to perform.

Trendhunting ends with workshops to organise the inspirations acquired and translate them into specific business ideas for the enterprise or organisation.


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Trendhunting (eng)

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Trendhunting (eng)

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