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Trend Map 2024 (PDF)

169,00  (207,87  z VAT)

  • Trend Map in a convenient pdf format – useful for your own work, workshops or strategy meetings,
  • the file consists of 5 pages with the Trend Map, a description of the tool, a list of definitions of all megatrends and trends.


Trend map in convenient PDF format

The Trend Map provides a valuable reference point for organisations when developing strategy, creating innovation and building resilience. To make working with the map and trends even easier, we have prepared a dedicated version in pdf file format. This is a convenient form for users using the desktop version. It is a several-page document in A1 format, which, in addition to the map, contains descriptions of all megatrends and trends. With the Trend Map in PDF format, you can browse and analyse trends in an even clearer and more convenient way.

The PDF file contains:

1. a map with posted trends and megatrends:

2. information on how the Map is structured and how to use it

3. descriptions of the 7 megatrends

4. descriptions of 81 trends:

What can I use the PDF version of the Trend Map for?

Here are examples of how to use the Trend Map in PDF:

1. strategy workshops:
  • Print the Trend Map in large format and use it as a starting point for discussion during the strategy workshop.
  • Participants can label the trends that are most important to them and discuss their potential impact on their organisation.
  • The Trend Map can help you identify new opportunities and threats and develop strategies to respond to them.
2 Education and training:
  • Use the Trend Map PDF as an educational resource for students or staff to help them understand the world around them and its impact on their work.
  • The Trend Map can be used for training in foresight, strategic planning and innovation.
3 Monitoring trends:
  • Check the Trend Map regularly and update your plans and strategies in response to new trends.
  • The Trend Map can help you make sure your organisation is always on top of the latest changes.

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Trend Map 2024 (PDF)

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Trend Map 2024 (PDF)

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