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Custom Reports


Custom reports offer a comprehensive analysis of your search area. Our role is to diagnose contexts to anticipate trends and important changes.

We offer a forward-looking view of how the changing landscape of society, generations, consumers and technology is affecting various business industries and areas of life.


With a unique blend of forward-looking research, trend analysis, consumer insight, foresight, brand strategy and innovation we future-proof organizations.

Working on a report is much more than a project – it’s an exciting journey into the future, during which we strive to learn about your goals and go beyond the established framework to see what’s hidden from the ordinary eye.

This helps you discover potential areas of development and needs not yet known. This is the key to creating innovative products and services.

Case studies

Magdalena Zielińska

HR Director |

Collaborating with enabled us to engage in thoughtful discussions and reflections on trends impacting our business environment. It also supported our efforts to develop specific plans for future actions. The deep commitment of the team ensured that the workshops were conducted professionally, aligning with the established goals and plan. Additionally, it’s worth highlighting the team’s flexibility in handling unconventional and unpredictable situations.

Anna Kulawik

Internal Communications
Manager |

The ‘Trend Screening’ workshops organized for our HR department by were highly inspiring and effective. In just a few hours of intensive work, we managed to identify trends related to the labor market that are significant for us and generate very specific business ideas on how to address these trends in the near future. Participating in such workshops provides a significant infusion of knowledge and inspiration, enabling the organization to prepare for the future. Most importantly, the workshop resulted in the development of specific solutions that we plan to implement in the organization in the near future.

Our clients

We have been delivering our services since 2015 and have been recognized as the top Polish foresight institute. We have a proven track record of our operations with both Fortune Global 500 companies as well as new companies and start-ups.

Get in touch

If you’re interested in creating a custom-report for your company, let’s connect and plan our next steps. Schedule a meeting below for a convenient time. Or simply write to us –

  • Marcin Maciejewski
    Join me for a 15-minute and learn more about our custom-reports. Explore our innovative solutions and let’s talk about your needs.
    Marcin Maciejewski | Business Foresight Advisor |

Contact us about the custom-reports:

You can also use this contact form. We plan and prepare each custom-report in response to the current needs of the Partner. Please describe the market area and the current challenges. We will contact you to discuss the offer.

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Try out our Trends Cards

Discover the power of Trend Cards, a proprietary tool by Unleash innovation and strategic insights with 54 trend descriptions and 8 Wild Cards. Ideal for strategy, research, NPD, and consulting agencies. Translate trends into solutions with 3 workshop paths. Enhance your resilience to global changes.


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  • My personal data provided in the above form shall be processed by Infuture Hatalska Foresight Institute, run by INFUTURE.INSTITUTE Natalia Hatalska-Woźniak, NIP [Tax Identification Number] 9581316257, based in Gdańsk, ul. Doki 1 (80-958 Gdańsk), personal data controller, to process the inquiry. Providing data is necessary to process the inquiry. The basis for data processing is my request. Personal data shall be processed while the inquiry is being processed. I have been informed that I have the right to access my data, correct it, request the restriction of its processing or erasure as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.
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