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Webinars are our product aimed at people who do not always have time to read multi-page trend reports or who simply prefer to obtain information by watching video content. Webinars are published once a month, and each of them is devoted to one of the trends from the current Trends Map.

The aim of each webinar is to present the most important issues related to a given trend in a synthetic form. During the 30-minute video by an expert from the research department:

Below is the full list of available webinars. They concern both those trends that are currently talked about a lot and their increasing tendency is clearly visible (e.g. Generative AI, Mental Well-being or Identity Nomads), as well as those trends that last over time and their consequences for business will be visible in the long run term (e.g. LabGrown, Depopulation or PostAnthropocene).

Each webinar can be additionally supplemented with an in-depth report. The report includes: a larger number of use cases (manifestations of a given trend in various industries), quantitative data on the perception of a given trend by society or the use of a given trend by business, and tools for independent work with a given trend. Trend reports can be found below.

List of available webinars (in Polish):


The impact of trends on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2023

The impact of trends on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2023

The world we live in is a world of overlapping crises, including climate, energy, raw […]
Digital Co-creation and other scenarios for the future

Digital Co-creation and other scenarios for the future

In the modern world, each business is a technology company. The ICT industry, being a […]
Trend Cards 2023

Trend Cards 2023

Strategy. Innovations. Resilience. Since 2018, we have been preparing for you the Trends Map, which […]

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