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Trend Map 2024 (A0 poster)

129,00  (158,67  z VAT)

  • NEW! Trend Map in the form of a poster in A0 size – ideal for hanging on the wall and for use during workshop work,
  • contains full descriptions of all megatrends and trends.
  • free delivery to parcel post!


Printed version of the Trend Map

NEW! We know that you like to use the Trend Map in your workshops or classes at university. That is why we have prepared an analogue version in the form of an A0 format poster. In addition to the map itself, you will find a description of all megatrends and trends, as well as a section on ‘How to read the Trend Map’.

Why use the printed version?

Better visualisation and understanding:

The large A0 format – dimensions 119 x 84 cm – allows the details of the Trend Map to be better presented, making it easier to understand and analyse.

The printed map can be used as a reference during discussions and workshops, making it easier to focus on key issues.

Facilitated teamwork and communication:

The printed map can be placed in a prominent position, such as on the wall of a meeting room, making information easily accessible to all team members.

This allows for spontaneous trend analysis and exchange of ideas within the team.

It facilitates communication about trends and their impact on different areas of the company.


Download free of charge :
Trend Map 2024 (A0 poster)

Teasers in articles :
Trend Map 2024 (A0 poster)

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