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Trend Map 2023 (Workshop Bundle)


Original price was: €78,00.Current price is: €69,00. (84,87 z VAT)

Trend Map is a proprietary tool of, published since 2018. This time it was divided into 5 megatrends, to which 50 trends were assigned. The map is a comprehensive analysis of all areas of life: society, environment, technology, regulatory, legal and economic changes. This year, the trends on the map were presented in three different perspectives (including time and correlation between megatrends).

Online version of the Trend Map, printed with trend cards attached. Useful during workshop work. The included set of exercises makes it easier and faster to translate trends into solutions.

As part of the package:

  • Access to the Trend Map in three dimensions (online desktop) (in English)
  • Definitions of megatrends and trends (online desktop) (in English)
  • Venn diagram of correlation between megatrends (.pdf) (in English)
  • Trend Map 2023 in a printable version (.pdf) (in English)
  • Definitions of trends and megatrends in print version (.pdf) (in English)
  • Trend cards 2023 for self-printing (in English)
  • A set of exercises and workshop models for working with trends (paths: strategy, innovation, resilience) (in English)
  • Archival Trend Maps 2018-2022 (online desktop) (in English)
  • Archival Trend Maps 2018-2022 in printable version (.pdf) (in English)


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Trend Map 2023 (Workshop Bundle)

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Trend Map 2023 (Workshop Bundle)

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