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The future in the age of digital transformation

The digital transformation is not a new phenomenon. In fact, it has been in process for the last 20 years. It began in 2000, completely changing the functioning of industries such as music, photography, video rentals and it continues to this day, changing other categories. The transformation process concerns every industry. How should organizations prepare for it? What strategy to develop?

Digital transformation as a priority

A global study carried out last autumn by Protiviti on a group of nearly 900 CEOs and managing directors showed that the digital transformation and the risks associated with it come first in the attention, priority and commitment of high-level managers in 2019.

  • Such a result does not surprise – digital transformation is a keyword and as such is now ever-present and widely used. We are fully aware of the need to carry it out, if only because of the effects it guarantees – including the improvement of cost efficiency or generally reduction in costs, increase in competitiveness or innovation.
    Natalia Hatalska | CEO

Factors that will change the future of organizations

The key role in the context of changes taking place in the modern world is played by the so-called factors of change. These are already existing, early signals – among them are not only technologies, but also legal changes, social attitudes, environmental changes or economic factors, whose dissemination will make our world, business environment and the future of the organization look completely different. Identifying the factors of change is important as it allows us to prepare in advance for the future.

55% vs 34%

The research carried out for the purposes of this report shows that technological factors are, to a large and very large extent, analyzed by 55% of organizations, while non-technological factors only by 34% of them. Our report aims to show how important non-technological factors are in the digital transformation process and to spread awareness that the most important link in the transformation are people – employees and consumers.

Are environmental issues treated as those that affect the organization’s strategy in the context of the world that is struggling with resource depletion, environmental pollution, energy crisis and other consequences of the climate change?

Will the indications of economists who say that AI will affect humanity in a similar manner as dissemination of electricity and the Internet have had come true? What importance will factors from non-economic areas, such as food migrations, cooperation economics, work-life integration approach or loneliness have for the environment and business decisions? How important will they be for the transformation of industries and enterprises?

Trends – strategy and current situation

  • To invest wisely in technologies and successfully implement them in your organizational structures, you must first develop a long-term business development strategy. Such strategies are developed on the basis of number of factors affecting the company’s macro and microenvironment. (…) Due to observation and interpretation interacting trends, that organizations are able to determine, their current marketplace and develop a strategy for the future.
    Dariusz Piotrowski  | VP Sales and General Manager Poland Dell Technologies

Well-chosen technology and dedicated solutions (39% of responses) were considered to be the most important factors enabling success in carrying out the digital transformation. Well-prepared employees came only second (36%). Meanwhile, it is known that even the best technology will not ensure success if people are not convinced and engaged in the change. The table with the factors of change divided into – inevitable (to be included in the strategy) and important (to be included in scenarios), which is contained in this report, will allow a wider perspective regarding the issue of the digital transformation.

Scenarios that will help you understand the digital transformation

The second most important module of our report are future scenarios, i.e. visions of future opportunities and development paths. They present future conditions in a holistic way. They broaden the perspective of perception of what future holds. They provide support in the planning and decision making process. In the context of organization, scenarios of the future are a tool to better understand the environment associated with the digital transformation and, consequently, plan the steps necessary to carry it out.

The created scenarios of the future can be used as a tool to diagnose the situation of one’s own organization in the face of upcoming changes. There are 5 of them in the full version of the report:

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The future in the age of digital transformation (report) ENG

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