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  • Interactive version of Trend Map 2024
  • Access to detailed descriptions of 81 trends (definitions, causes, consequences, technologies, industries)



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  • Interactive version of Trend Map 2024
  • Access to detailed descriptions of 81 trends (definitions, causes, consequences, technologies, industries)
  • Trend Momentum Index – monthly updated HYPE and IMPACT values for 81 trends
  • Trend Momentum Index – graphs of index changes over time for 81 trends.
  • Monthly 243 trend manifestations in media, science and innovation
  • NEW: Access to webinars worth 948 PLN


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  • Interactive version of Trend Map 2024
  • Access to detailed descriptions of 81 trends (definitions, causes, consequences, technologies, industries)
  • Trend Momentum Index – monthly updated HYPE and IMPACT values for 81 trends
  • Trend Momentum Index – graphs of index changes over time for 81 trends.
  • Monthly 243 trend manifestations in media, science and innovation
  • NEW: Access to webinars worth 948 PLN (in Polish)
  • NEW: 10% discount on workshop services

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Trend Cards 2024 (PDF)

  • 81 trends, 3 work paths, 9 specific workshop exercises
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Trend Map 2024 (PDF)

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Trend Map 2024 (A0 poster)

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  • NEW! Trend Map in the form of a poster in A0 size (119 x 84cm)
  • ideal for hanging on the wall and for use in workshops

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Embodied Intelligence

Definition of a trend

A trend in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics that emphasises the importance of the physical body in machine learning and decision-making. This trend moves away from the traditional approach to AI, which focuses mainly on algorithms that process data, instead making the ‘body’ of the machine a key element in the cognitive process. Key aspects of this trend include. the interaction of machines with the environment (robots and AI learn through direct interaction with the environment, which enables them to better understand and adapt to changing conditions); the physical body of the robot plays an important role in the way the robot perceives and interacts with the world, which influences learning and decision-making processes; robots are characterised by their ability to self-organise and adapt, allowing them to cope autonomously with new or unpredictable situations; robots learn through experience, experimentation and interaction, which may include imitating human actions, exploring the environment or learning through trial and error. Within the trend, interactions between robots and humans are more natural (cf. trend Hybrid society).

Trend Momentum Index TM

Reasons for the trend

  • The increasing presence of robots in everyday life and the number of functions/tasks they perform and the associated need for them to operate seamlessly so that they can interact effectively with humans and perform tasks in dynamically changing environments; the need to create machines that can coexist safely with humans in living and working spaces,
  • the need for machines to be more adaptable and flexible, as the environments in which robots operate are increasingly complex and dynamic,
  • increasing automation and the associated need to create robots capable of greater autonomy, ones that can function independently in the physical world,
  • advances in robotics and engineering, the development of new materials, sensors, and technologies, including soft robots.


Check out monthly updated examples of the occurrence of trend Embodied Intelligence in patents, scientific articles and media. Materials are selected using our machine learning algorithms and approved by the team


Consequences of the trend

  • the emergence of a so-called hybrid society, made up of humans and robots at the same time,
  • social change, including changes at the level of building relationships, care, social bonds,
  • Increased productivity and changes in the labour market in many sectors, from manufacturing to services,
  • challenges related to the safety and ethics of using such technologies; questions about the rights and social status of robots.

Supporting technologies

Robotics, sensors, image recognition technologies, human-machine interfaces, wearable technologies, internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence

Industries most sensitive to the trend

agriculture, medicine and healthcare, care industry, education, logistics, transport, law, new technologies


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Embodied Intelligence

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Embodied Intelligence

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