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  • Interactive version of Trend Map 2024
  • Access to detailed descriptions of 81 trends (definitions, causes, consequences, technologies, industries)



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59 €/mo
  • Interactive version of Trend Map 2024
  • Access to detailed descriptions of 81 trends (definitions, causes, consequences, technologies, industries)
  • Trend Momentum Index – monthly updated HYPE and IMPACT values for 81 trends
  • Trend Momentum Index – graphs of index changes over time for 81 trends.
  • Monthly 243 trend manifestations in media, science and innovation
  • NEW: Access to webinars worth 948 PLN


(Billed annually)
49 €/mo
  • Interactive version of Trend Map 2024
  • Access to detailed descriptions of 81 trends (definitions, causes, consequences, technologies, industries)
  • Trend Momentum Index – monthly updated HYPE and IMPACT values for 81 trends
  • Trend Momentum Index – graphs of index changes over time for 81 trends.
  • Monthly 243 trend manifestations in media, science and innovation
  • NEW: Access to webinars worth 948 PLN (in Polish)
  • NEW: 10% discount on workshop services

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Trend Map 2024 (PDF)

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Trend Map 2024 (A0 poster)

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  • NEW! Trend Map in the form of a poster in A0 size (119 x 84cm)
  • ideal for hanging on the wall and for use in workshops

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Definition of a trend

A trend whose premise is to achieve wellbeing in society in the broadest sense. It encompasses all activities related to the categories of mental health, physical health, contact with nature and other factors influencing feelings of fulfilment, happiness and peace. Within this trend, special attention is paid to technology-related issues such as digital wellbeing, digital detox and technical wellness, which aim to balance online and offline life (cf. with the anti-tech trend).

Trend Momentum Index TM

Reasons for the trend

  • polycrisis (a situation where several crises co-occur simultaneously), which contributes to feelings of insecurity, stress, anxiety and causes mental and physical health burdens (e.g. insomnia),
  • the increasing pace of life, professional pressures and economic uncertainty, all of which have an impact on health,
  • excessive use of social media and digital devices (especially among the young),
  • information overload, reducing the ability to relax and regenerate,
  • environmental degradation, air, water and soil pollution, which has a direct impact on people’s health, leading to illness and reduced quality of life.


Check out monthly updated examples of the occurrence of trend Wellbeing in patents, scientific articles and media. Materials are selected using our machine learning algorithms and approved by the team


Consequences of the trend

  • improving quality of life,
  • increased productivity and creativity,
  • reduced sickness absence and lower costs for employers,
  • reducing the burden on health systems,
  • the development of the broader wellness industry,
  • changes in the technology industry related to the pressure to create ‘healthy’ technologies.

Supporting technologies

health monitoring applications, fitness applications, wearable devices, augmented and virtual reality (used, inter alia, to treat depression, anxiety, etc.), internet of things, including smart home technologies, artificial intelligence

Industries most sensitive to the trend

Technology industry, pharmaceutical industry, health and wellness industry, food and nutrition industry, tourism, beauty industry, education


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