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Natalia Hatalska

Natalia Hatalska – CEO, founder, Head of Foresight – forecasting institute. One of the most influential and recognized experts in the field of analysis, forecasting, and research of trends in relations between the market, brand, technology, and consumer.

Natalia Hatalska, CEO & founder of (photo: Renata Dąbrowska)

Financial Times placed her on the New Europe 100 list – “central and eastern Europe’s brightest and best citizens who are changing the region’s societies, politics or business environments and displaying fresh approaches to prevailing problems”.

She has been recognized as one of the 50 most influential women in Poland and was awarded in the “Who listens to Polish business?” ranking as one of the top 10 authorities of Polish business. Has been granted twice the title of Digital Shaper for her contribution to the development of the digital economy in Poland.

Honoured on the Insight250 list provided by Esomar in 2022 – consisting of individuals from the academic, enterprise, agency, technology, consulting, and media realms that are focused on elevating and enhancing market research, enterprise intelligence, and data-driven marketing.

The analyst, the trendwatcher and the author of numerous research projects, was recognized, among others, by the Audience Award of the Congress of Researchers of the Polish Society of Opinion and Market Researchers.

Natalia Hatalska and Sculptures at the Imperial Shipyard in Gdańsk. The author of the sculptures: Czesław Podleśny. (photo: Renata Dąbrowska)

Natalia is author of best-selling book: Age of Paradoxes. Will technology save us?


“Age of Paradoxes. Will Technology Save Us.” Natalia Hatalska, Znak Publishing House, 2021

Our reports:

The future in the age of digital transformation

The future in the age of digital transformation

The digital transformation is not a new phenomenon. In fact, it has been in process […]
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Homo medicus

We started to work on this report at the end 2019, way back before the […]
Future of Office Space

Future of Office Space

How and where will we work in several years or several decades? What challenges will […]
Living buildings

Living buildings

The report answer to the question: what the future office buildings will look like.
Smart Living

Smart Living

The smart living area is a very broad concept, which includes categories related to intelligent […]

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  • My personal data provided in the above form shall be processed by Infuture Hatalska Foresight Institute, run by INFUTURE.INSTITUTE Natalia Hatalska-Woźniak, NIP [Tax Identification Number] 9581316257, based in Gdańsk, ul. Doki 1 (80-958 Gdańsk), personal data controller, to process the inquiry. Providing data is necessary to process the inquiry. The basis for data processing is my request. Personal data shall be processed while the inquiry is being processed. I have been informed that I have the right to access my data, correct it, request the restriction of its processing or erasure as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.
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