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0 €/mo
  • Interactive version of Trend Map 2024
  • Access to detailed descriptions of 81 trends (definitions, causes, consequences, technologies, industries)



(Billed monthly)
59 €/mo
  • Interactive version of Trend Map 2024
  • Access to detailed descriptions of 81 trends (definitions, causes, consequences, technologies, industries)
  • Trend Momentum Index – monthly updated HYPE and IMPACT values for 81 trends
  • Trend Momentum Index – graphs of index changes over time for 81 trends.
  • Monthly 243 trend manifestations in media, science and innovation
  • NEW: Access to webinars worth 948 PLN


(Billed annually)
49 €/mo
  • Interactive version of Trend Map 2024
  • Access to detailed descriptions of 81 trends (definitions, causes, consequences, technologies, industries)
  • Trend Momentum Index – monthly updated HYPE and IMPACT values for 81 trends
  • Trend Momentum Index – graphs of index changes over time for 81 trends.
  • Monthly 243 trend manifestations in media, science and innovation
  • NEW: Access to webinars worth 948 PLN (in Polish)
  • NEW: 10% discount on workshop services

Step 2: Add PDF / offline materials

Trend Cards 2024 (PDF)

  • 81 trends, 3 work paths, 9 specific workshop exercises
  • systematises, facilitates and accelerates the work with trends

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Trend Map 2024 (PDF)

  • Trend Map in a handy PDF format – useful for self-work, workshops, strategy meetings or learning and teaching activities

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Trend Map 2024 (A0 poster)

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29 € / szt. (total 0 €)
  • NEW! Trend Map in the form of a poster in A0 size (119 x 84cm)
  • ideal for hanging on the wall and for use in workshops

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Other AI Forms

Definition of a trend

A trend that refers to a variety of artificial intelligence (AI) models. It includes categories such as Causal AI (focuses on identifying and understanding causality between phenomena, enabling AI systems to better predict outcomes), Bayesian AI (relies on probability calculus to model uncertainty in decision-making), Neurosymbolic AI (combines symbolic ‘thinking’ and machine learning, allowing the computer to simultaneously understand rules and use large amounts of information for learning), Responsive AI (adapting dynamically to a changing environment), Self-replicating AI (having the ability to self-replicate) or Neuromorphic Intelligence (mimicking the architecture and functions of the nervous system). The creation of various forms of artificial intelligence (AI) is driven by the need to deal with challenges that cannot always be met by traditional/ legacy models (e.g. the high complexity of problems, the need for systems to dynamically adapt to changing environments, which can be crucial in situations where conditions are unstable or difficult to predict, or the need to develop AI in hard-to-reach environments).

Trend Momentum Index TM

Reasons for the trend

  • global challenges such as the climate crisis, the food crisis, the commodity crisis, the energy transition, the ageing population, the increasing number of diseases,
  • the need to deal with challenges that cannot always be met by traditional/ legacy models and technologies,
  • continuous technological development.


Check out monthly updated examples of the occurrence of trend Other AI Forms in patents, scientific articles and media. Materials are selected using our machine learning algorithms and approved by the team


Consequences of the trend

  • increased efficiency, productivity and innovation, as well as work automation,
  • the development of innovation in many sectors of the economy, from health to manufacturing,
  • new business opportunities and sources of economic growth for countries,
  • strengthening the adaptability and resilience of societies and economies,
  • an increase in the understanding of cause and effect relationships, which translates into more sophisticated decision-making and human support systems,
  • The need to discuss autonomy, control and accountability of AI activities.

Supporting technologies

Machine learning algorithms, AI processors, neuromorphic chips, neural networks, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, big data

Industries most sensitive to the trend

ICT industry, technology industry, education, financial industry, pharmaceutical industry, medicine, environmental protection, national security, energy industry


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Other AI Forms

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