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The impact of trends on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2023

The impact of trends on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2023

The world we live in is a world of overlapping crises, including climate, energy, raw […]
Digital Co-creation and other scenarios for the future

Digital Co-creation and other scenarios for the future

In the modern world, each business is a technology company. The ICT industry, being a […]
Trend Cards 2023

Trend Cards 2023

Strategy. Innovations. Resilience. Since 2018, we have been preparing for you the Trends Map, which […]
Food. Factories. Fluidity. Nutrition in factories. 2030 future scenarios.

Food. Factories. Fluidity. Nutrition in factories. 2030 future scenarios.

Nearly two-thirds of workers admit that they sometimes feel hungry at work, and 64 percent […]
Towards Resilience. The Future of The Trade Fair Industry

Towards Resilience. The Future of The Trade Fair Industry

The industry of MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, exhibitions) is an important part of the economy. […]
Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on women in Poland and Cyprus

Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on women in Poland and Cyprus

The impact of crises is never gender-neutral, and Covid-19 is no exception, claimed Marry Robinson, […]
Homo medicus

Homo medicus

We started to work on this report at the end 2019, way back before the […]
Future of Office Space

Future of Office Space

How and where will we work in several years or several decades? What challenges will […]
The future in the age of digital transformation

The future in the age of digital transformation

The digital transformation is not a new phenomenon. In fact, it has been in process […]
Living buildings

Living buildings

The report answer to the question: what the future office buildings will look like.
Smart Living

Smart Living

The smart living area is a very broad concept, which includes categories related to intelligent […]

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Smart living (report) ENG

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Smart living (report) ENG

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